1. A sign of this shape (diamond) means

2. This sign means

3. This sign means

4. A sign of this shape (rectangular) means

5. This sign means

6. A white line divides

7. The basic speed law for a residential area is

8. A sign of this shape (octagon) means

9. This sign means

10. This sign means

11. The sign of this shape (pentagon) means

12. This sign means

13. Which of the following lights indicates that you must clear the intersection because light is about to turn red

14. You must not make a U-Turn to go in the opposite direction unless you can see or be seen in either direction for

15. You cannot legally park within how many feet of a fire hydrant?

16. Blue signs indicate

17. This sign means

18. This sign means

19. All green lights and green arrows means

20. This sign means

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